Monday, November 11, 2002

ok. so today i wasted 6.50 on a movie called the guru.
if it was a comedy, it wasnt funny. if it was supposed to be erotic, i certainly wasnt turned on at all.
sum of it all. stupid movie. speaking of movies, saw one last week called possession. ok its a tad romnatic. some of the scenes on kissing were just too long. but on the whole, nice movie. deeper meaning. nice smooth transition from present to past to present. very nice script and words. go watch it.

meanwhile, i'm struggling with anger management still. its so easy to get angry. so easy to wanna let it out. so easy to conjure thoughts of how to hurt someone. worst part is, i know exactly how to do it. i may not be in the physical shape to do it atm, but if i get on with my workout and seriously get myself back into shape, there is no doubt i can. scary.

also, seem to be thinking about nothing in particular. no aprticular goals in life beyond the As and my scholarshop at the moment. besides getting fit, which cant be a goal per se, and learning to play the guitar, which is becoming a dream more than reality. father seems ambivalent. mother...well mother doesnt seem to be able to make up her mind.
yes : cos she used to play and would like me to
no : As nxt yr.
as a result, no financing, no lessons

gee this is becoming my personal bitching board. everytime i aint happy, i rip off here. everytime i feel down i rip off here
somehow, i celebrate here too. when i'm joyful, u hear about it too.

today's been a bitchy day, but to end it all matter how fuckewd up life is, it coulda been worse
Praise the Lord

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