Monday, January 13, 2003

i'm supposed to do this thing for my churhc group leader. its kinda important. so ur gonna have to deal with me while i thresh out my thoughts on these questions.

1st. so can we reconcile the Book of Genesis with the Theory of Evolution?

ok. 1st question. must we? Hey, even Darwin admits we don't have enough missing links for his theory to be possible. It isnt that big a deal if we say Genesis is right, Darwin was wrong. But, thats not very nice, is it? And its a tad extreme too.

so here goes nothing. Basically, according to Genesis, on the 5th day, God created animals. On the sixth day, he created us.
ok. do we have to take a day so literally? or any of Genesis so literally. If you read it like a parable, you get in a certain amount of time, God created animals. after that period, he created man. And even by created, it could mean that he created a few basic types, that could then mutate and change into more different animals. its obviously not beyond God to see that far. Heck, he created Adam and Eve. thats 2 people. then set down in John 3:16, "For God so loved the WORLD....". quite a world with 2 people huh? obviously, God saw a lot more than 2 people.

There's actually a more complex proof as to how long each'day' in genesis 1 is. something to do with God's perpective in the Big Bang. How you see the world as though everything is coming toward you due to expansion. so if u divide the 7 days as to 7 equal distances being covered by the expanding universe, then in time terms, the 7th day is longer than the 6th which is longer than the 5th.....which gives the time frame required for the bloody sea bacteria to evolve into fish, amphibians, mammals and the like.

What there is a big dispute over though, is whether Man evolved from Ape. Despite the similarities involved, more so in some than others, bottom line is this. Man may have evolved in some ways over time, but we did not come from monkeys.

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