Sunday, May 09, 2004

things like this are addictive. just felt like posting something else. but i still dunno what. most of the stuff is like, involves other people, so i cant just post em. oh well.
haven't really written something in a while, but i cant seem to think straight here. darned camp. darned darned camp. d'arvit. (that one's for ya little sis)
i still dont know what i'm trying to say. my english teacher lied to me. you don't get inspiration as you go along. you just start spewing more nonsense.

anyhows, lets talk about freedom today. government should only interfere with a man's freedom to act if his actions infringe upon the freedom of another man. for example, the goverment has a right to stop you from killing me because your freedom to act infringes on my freedom to live(or not die). thats an obvious case. but does the government have the right to make me do things like joining the army? for like 2.5 years? personally, if they want me in, they ought to work through the market and offer a large enough incentive to make it worthwhile. but no, they legislate it, thereby limiting the value of my contribution to society as well as my utility in consuming this time that i have. not a very economically efficient model i'm sure.

ok someone's been reading Captialism and Freedom by Milton Friedman. you should too. i was gonna rant about unfair trade next, but you can read it yourself in Globalisation and its Discontents. so i wont go there.

been trying to teach myself the guitar. thing is i dunno where to start. send suggestions!

i think i've expended my quota on philosophical discussion today. spoke at length with a new friend in camp. it was great. hah.

well, mike has run outta words. ciaoz.

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