Thursday, March 01, 2007

Alrighty then. Its been a pretty long while since I wrote something new. So I guess I should, before the blog feels neglected. And the last thing I need is a blog whining for attention. There are enough other things doing that. *Glares at LTB project*

This one's also a shout-out to Theresa, if she ever actually visit.

I guess today I'll talk about the quality known as magic. Increasingly, I feel the burden of magical expectation upon my shoulders. I'd just like to declare once and for all that I'm not a magician nor a miracle-worker. I may know a miracle-worker, but thats about as far as it goes. Referent power ... as my LTB textbook says.

OK. My brain's kinda fried and there's a rend in my soul, so I'm gonna stop here before my rather less friendly alter-ego makes an appearance.


(<$BlogItemCommentCount$>) comments

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello wazowski. hello michael. hope both of you have a nice weekend. =)