Thursday, December 12, 2002

school. a centre of education. where students partake in the bread that is knowledge.
the education service. where decisions are made at the top. they bend to the voice of teachers, bow to the pressures of parents.
however, rather ironically, the thoughts of the stydent population remains largely unheard. and when it is let out, all ideas are just shot down.
lets not even deal with how reasonable the retorts are, one could write a thesis on this.

usually, parent should look out for their children's best interests. right? wrong!
nobody else knows whats best for you besides, well, you. exceptions are to be made for divine forces.
but, if you cant vote, the government doesnt care about you. as long as they squeeze the potential out of you, parents are happy.
so it actuality, you're mired in a system that will abuse you but gives you no chance to fight back.
an unholy alliance between those who raise you and those who educate you.
for lack of a better statement to make. pfft.