Thursday, July 24, 2003

i think i need to write an addendum about adopting older sisters.

1. make sure you adopt a younger brother as well. its called double trouble.
2. its no fun if you have a natural one.
3. adopt more than one so that neitehr will become exhausted. younger brothers are necessarily exhausting.
4. do not force an older sister into this.
5. if you need further advice on how to cause mischief and otherwsie general mayhem, say something in this post's comments.

wow, i havent updated this in a bit.
i thought i published something recently, or did i.....

bro. patrick has gone berserk with delegating responsibility. wearing a mantle is great. glory of God upon your life, anointing and more blessing.
here's the problem though, mantle's aren't exactly light. ever seen the one in kenshin? the one thats passed from one master of the hitenmitsurugi ryu to the next? they can get really heavy. lifting your burdens up to the Lord, now there's something important to learn.

prelims are round the corner now. counting i think its 7 weeks. started studying, but the thing with exams is, they're always nipping at your heels. well, if i get this one right, it'll be my last exam. period. full stop. the final exam. sounds liekt he final solution....

in any case, i'm still on a high, relative to life before. yeah i'm alive. damn it.

intriguingly, my life's taken another twist recently, more factors being added into my matrix of life. somehow i have not escaped my FM heritage from HC. these math jokes are still part and parcel of life. reminiscing ~ fibonacci, can count money.... anyway.... yeah some new unknown factor has slipped into my life. its foreign like anything and i don't udnerstand it. at one point, i thought i fell in love again. now i'm not so sure. i have this pathetic track record for things of this sort. the first time, i told myself i coulnt afford the time of day and froze my heart cold. the second time i got rejected. and i don't actually believe in third time lucky. and hey, this time, i'm not even sure what it is. i wish i could go back to the carefree days when all i had to think of was the clan, my brothers, and which game we were gonna play next. and how to win the next fight.

well i'm thankful for those times. build a lotta tenacity and even patience when you play wargames 24/7 365. but ya know, when i became a man, i put away childish things. not sure those things are childish, but i really cant afford the indulgence, why wouldn;t my parents get me a nice katana for my birthday...

ahh well, popping in after settling mathematical induction to write a post sure feels strange. ahh well.... why are my hc fm notes so much more comprehensive than my rj math notes, which are next to bloody useless? which is basically bloody useless anyway....

i believe i once referred to this spot of cyberspace as my personal bitch-space. not prizes for guessing why. incidentally, i just told my GP tutor she was collateral damage in my battel against the education system in singapore. i'm trying to beat the system. so far, i seem to be winning. my last slipshodly written essasy got me a nice little 34/50. not spectacular. not even inspiring. but as it goes, passable. 2 and a half pages of drivel did that. hey, thats achievement with a capital T. but she says she has to mark this bad stuff and its affecting her. she's taking it personally. then again, no matter how old they are, girls will always be just that, girls. seriously. they are just so sensitive. and you can love em and hate em for it all in the same shot. i swear it, God made women just so He could laugh at all the guys trying to figure out what was happening. bah. so she's hurt that i consider her collateral damage. well, at least i was honest right? bah, i'll just write an exceptionally nice essay next time round that she can brag about in the staff room. maybe it'll cheer her up. incidentally, my IPW survey got flaming rejected. suprise suprise. what should i write about then? stuff nobody is even marginally interested in? small wonder the school paper won't kick off.

ahh is like that. always these circumstances you can't change save the hand of God. but i have no power over that. so i'll just look at it differently. the school is just worried about being smakced around by the MOE. ahh well.... this just brings me in to my little rant on government intervention. the one where one, because of admin not being very efficient, they tend to prescribe the wrong policies in the first place, and even if they got it right, the effects usually come too late and lo and behold, they actually make the situation worse.

meanwhile, lemme state my case against national service.
1. you're going to fight a war(presumably) with a bunch of guys who have traine dfor 2.5 years in the army, and then return for their normal lives and come back to re-train once a year for 14 days.
2. this means that the vast majority of your army has a. no combat experience and b. no constant training and simulation either.
3. the natural conclusion: you have a civillian fighting force to defend a country.
4. now, there are 2 recent examples of such a policy. one was the US Draft in the Vietnam War.
5. nice to note that the very well equipped US troops got their asses handed to them by guerillas in loincloths with knives/spears.
6. the other example is Israel. Arguably, its been victorious so far.
7. But there are a couple of factors. during the pre-independence period of Israel, they were already engaging in military activity against the British Empire.
8. Oh yeah, and their 'national servicemen' actually experience regular combat in skirmishes with the Iraqis, Iranis, Palestinians, the Syrians.....
9. Only thing are 'troops' fight are computer images. and thats only for 14 days out of 365.
10. and so, do we actually ahve a credible fighting force? no.
12. today the moron they sent for the NE talk added some more bull. so do you feel safe being defended by the SAF?
13. well the fact is, if you do, you've been deceived. it doesn't really matter how you feel about it, because the truth is we are not.
14. oh yeah. so what else can we do? get some nice stealth bombers. hang on. now get a couple of tactical nuclear bombs. keep the fighters as a nice escort. here's the good part, the next time malaysia or indonesia or somebody desides to flex military muscle on us, arm the first nuke.
15. if they think this is a joke, we'll launch the first nuke. just to prove we're serious. now, the negotiating table?

special thanks to shengwu for inspiring me to some of this and concurring with some other stuff. and btw, NE talks generally stink because the guy reads form a script and can't answer questions. therefore, we should do something more productive with our time.