Saturday, September 28, 2002

thats why they call me slim shady, i'm back, i'm back ~ Eminem

that says it all, i got something else to spew.

just read something that goes like this.

What can screw up, will screw up. - Murphy's Law, street slang

ok apparently my last posting on how to kill ppl didnt quite come out right.
essentially, i recommeded garotting with a choke wire and stabbing the brain from the base of the skull up with a stiletto knife.

sounds easy? well it is.
but today's lesson, boys and girls, is a continuation.
what i'm basically trying to tell you, is that things never go the way u want them to.
for example, you want to go out with the girl next door. but, its just not gonna happen.
more importantly, u think u can sneak up on someone from behind, but it just doesnt happen.
then what do you do?
if u have the dagger, a thrust into the throat might work, but what good is a choke wire?

moral of the story : don't try any of this unless ur really good.

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