Friday, January 14, 2005

The return of, well not the King, but someone fairly important anyway

Its been a really long while since my last post. Damn it, i almost forgot this place existed. Ahh well, i've had a lot on my plate as of late. Actually, i think i shattered a few pieces of china along the way. And that pewter tray as well. Focused anger is powerful stuff. Focused faith is even scarier. Well kinda anyway. Its a nice kinda scary. Trust me on this one. At least when you're on the light side of the fence. We're talking about 'Hey Jesus, would you like us to call down fire from heaven and burn that sodding village that turned you away into a pile of ashes?' level faith too. Its pretty cool, when you're on the right side after all.

But honestly, thats not really the point. I've decided not to rant about national service anymore. Its actually done me a world of good, if you discount what it actually tries to teach and focus on using the environment it provides like a weight. Great endurance and strength training. You can attempt really cool things like 'how not to swear when everyone else can't stop cursing' and 'how not to get angry with infantile behaviour' or 'how not to let intellectual snobbery cloud your judgement'. Those are really cool experiences that are pretty hard to find.

Honestly though, this blog is about to evolve. Times are changing already. Here on out, this is mostly going to be my own commentary column on local and world events, government policy and so on. Yes, you'll still get the occasional dose of mikeyhood around here, the occasional bit of poetry, and maybe some other random nonsense.

But the vast majority of the stuff will be serious discourse on serious issues with the corresponding serious language. So there are going to be language barriers to surpass if you want to read this blog. Its my self-defense mechanism against lousy comments that generally revolve round 4-letter insults and crybaby antics. Its not foolproof, but then, who said panaceas existed?

So get ready for a wave of grey matter, swim or drown people. oh yeah, read some Piers Anthony and Terry Pratchett so you don't die because of the humour involved. My wit is largely influenced by those 2 monstrosities. Evil geniuses. Mad linguists. Whatever.

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