Monday, November 10, 2008

Time to Rock and Roll Again

Its been a 2-week slump. Glad its finally over. Things were rather overwhelming really, with the veritable mountain of law readings to do. And 2 project papers. And ... well the list goes on. The odd thing is people randomly telling me, "But you're Mike" and therefore "no problem one!", to which I must say, "I'm sorry, but that REALLY doesn't help." Being me doesn't actually reduce the amount of work.

But I have to thank God for single-handedly pulling me out of that funk. Best part of it? It was only 2 weeks, and I spent 1 of those ill. So not too bad. Enough time to put everything back in order. The even better part? I get a whole new set of lyrics (to which I can't attach a tune, since I still can't play any instrument to ANY degree of competency) to go with the shift in outlook (for those of you who are curious, its UPWARD). Great thing that God isn't against rock music (sorry conservative folk, you're still wrong), or I might never have stepped up my game (God isn't against rap music either. sorry again if you're conservative about these things. You still happen to be wrong. But its ok 'cos I didn't expect a change a heart over a full stop.)

So here's the new song (without a score 'cos, well, see above), partly inspired by listening to lots of Guns & Roses. Its called 'keys'.

Disclaimer: The first bit is copyright of Mr Bob Dylan, unless its been assigned to some other folk, then they 'own' it, assuming of course the assignment is valid and so on. If it doesn't seem familiar, I only have this to ask: where ya been the last 30 years? Hiding in a cave? If you have, you better have awesome kung fu to show for it or else ... man ... you really wasted all your time.

Right. Enough of my flippant sarcastic humour. On with the lyrics.

Knock knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock knock, knockin' on heaven's door

[abrupt break and some speech]

"Why are we knocking on heaven's door again?"
"Times are tough, man. Need a breakthrough. Damn it, I need a miracle!"
"Still, why are we knocking?"
"Door's closed."
"Got the keys, don't we?"

[music restarts]

[verse 1]

Though a thousand fall beside me
And ten thousand at my right hand
I rest in the arms of The Almighty
No it will not ... come near me

Through the waters and scorching fires
I cast my fears to the side
Your rod and staff, they comfort me
I will soar with eagles over seas

Yes, these keys I have received
In Messiah ... I believe ...

What I bind on Earth, will be bound in Heaven
What I loose on Earth, my Father sets free
No problem too great, nor need to small
No voice too weak, He will hear your call

No eye has seen, nor ear has heard
What the Lord has prepared, for His church
Above and beyond what man can conceive
The love of the Father will meet your need

[verse 2]

All it take is, a bit of faith
Tiny as a mustard seed
Place tomorrow in His hands
Trust in your Passover Lamb

Your Great High Priest upon the throne
Merciful and gracious, so be bold
Run to Him in times of need
Sweet relief, you will receive

A promise was made to us
And in God ... we trust ...



Oh I have the keys to heaven's gates
Yes His Kingdom ... is at hand
On this Rock I place my life
And having done all .... I'll stand

Yep. That took a while to write down and play with a little. But I'm quite happy with the raw version all the same.

Till next time, whenever,

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